• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Warmer Summer Oceans Cause Flesh-Eating Clowns to Rise from the Depths


Aug 6, 2023 #Florida, #Zombie

The summer of 2023 is shaping up to be one of the hottest and most terrifying on record. As global warming continues to heat up the oceans, a new threat has emerged from the deep: flesh-eating clowns.

These monstrous creatures, which resemble the twisted offspring of Pennywise and Jaws, have been spotted along the coasts of several countries, including the US, Australia, and Japan. They are attracted by the warm water and the smell of human flesh, and they have no mercy for their victims.

According to marine biologist Dr. Lonnie Bozo, these clowns are a new species of shark that have evolved to mimic the appearance and behavior of clowns in order to lure unsuspecting prey. “They have bright colors, frizzy hair, big teeth, and a red nose,” he explained. “They also make honking noises and squirt water from their mouths. They are very clever and cunning predators.”

Dr. Bozo warned that these clowns are extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. “They can swim faster than a human, and they have a powerful bite that can rip off limbs in seconds,” he said. “They also have a venomous bite that causes hallucinations and paralysis. They like to play with their food before they eat it.”

The authorities have issued a high alert for beachgoers and advised them to stay out of the water until further notice. They have also deployed shark nets, drones, and helicopters to monitor and deter the clowns. However, some experts fear that these measures may not be enough to stop the clown invasion.

“It’s possible that these clowns are part of a larger phenomenon that we don’t fully understand yet,” said Samuel Warrington, a famous comedian and clown enthusiast. “They may be related to some cosmic joke that is being played on us by the universe. They may be testing our sanity and sense of humor.”

Warrington suggested that the only way to stop the clowns is to join them in their madness and fun. “We have to embrace our inner clown and laugh with them,” he said. “We have to show them that we are not afraid of them. We have to make them our friends.”