• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Time Traveler’s Nightmare: How William Destroyed His Life and the World


Jun 9, 2023

William, a 50-year-old man from New York, claims he was given a chance to travel back in time and see what would have happened if he had pursued Jessica, a girl from his class, instead of the life he had where he had three children and gotten divorced. He says he was approached by a malicious entity who tricked him into this deal with dire consequences, and now he thinks he may have caused the end of the world.

William says he was depressed and suicidal with his life and felt like he had nothing to live for. He says he always blamed himself for not asking out Jessica who was in his math class when he was 16 years old. He says she was the only person who ever made him happy, and he had a crush on her for years. He says he never had the courage to talk to her, and she ended up dating another guy who later became a powerful politician.

He says he was contacted by the entity one night when he was about to kill himself in his apartment. He says the entity looked like a dark shadow and spoke to him with a sinister voice. He says the entity told him that it was a powerful being who could manipulate time and space. He says the entity offered him a chance to go back in time and relive his teenage years with the option to ask out Jessica and see how their relationship would unfold. He says the entity warned him that this would change everything in his original timeline and that he could never return.

He says he agreed to the offer without thinking and felt a sudden pain. He says he woke up in his old bedroom in his parents’ house, wearing his old clothes and holding his old backpack. He says he looked in the mirror and saw that he had become 16 years old again. He says he felt excited and nervous, and decided to go to school and find Jessica.

He says he saw Jessica in the hallway and approached her with confidence. He says he introduced himself and asked her if she wanted to go out with him. He says she looked at him with surprise and said she didn’t know who he was. He says he tried to explain that they were in the same math class, but she said she didn’t remember him. He says she told him she already had a boyfriend and walked away.

He says he felt angry and frustrated, but decided to try again the next day. He says he followed Jessica around the school and tried to talk to her, but she ignored him or told him to leave her alone. He says he even tried to sabotage her relationship with her boyfriend by spreading rumors, stealing his locker key and slashing his tires, but she stayed loyal to him. He says he became obsessed with winning her over, but nothing worked.

He says he realized that Jessica was not meant for him after all, and that he had made a huge mistake. He says he also realized that he missed his children terribly and wanted to go back to his original timeline. He says he tried to contact the entity by screaming at it, but got no response. He says he started to panic and wonder if the entity had deceived him or forgotten him.

He says he has been stuck in this timeline for six months now, and has no idea how to get out. He says he hates his life here and regrets ever agreeing to the entity’s offer. He says he hopes that his children are still alive and well in his original timeline, but fears that they may not exist anymore.

He says: “Don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t let some monster mess with your life. Don’t chase after someone who doesn’t love you back. Don’t give up on your family. They are the only ones who matter.”

He also says that he recently learned that Jessica’s boyfriend is running for student body president in this timeline. He says that he has seen some of his posters on campus and noticed that they are very different from what they were in his original timeline. He says that they are full of hate, fear and lies, and that they are inciting violence and chaos among the students. He says that he has a terrible feeling that this man is going to start a riot if he wins the election.

He also says that he recently discovered something shocking: Jessica’s boyfriend is actually the entity who offered him the deal in the first place. He says that he recognized his voice when he heard him speak at a rally. He says that he realized that this man is not really a human, but a shape-shifting demon who feeds on misery and chaos. He says that he realized that this man lured him into this trap to ruin his life and the world.

He says: “I think I may have doomed us all. I think I may have created a monster.”