• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Teacher Concerned About Creepy Art


Jun 21, 2023

A teacher at a local elementary school was shocked and concerned when she saw one of her student’s drawings during art class. The drawing depicted a dark and sinister figure with horns, claws, and red eyes. The student, a 10-year-old girl named Emily, had written “My best friend” above the figure.The teacher, who wished to remain anonymous, said she immediately contacted the school counselor and the principal to report the disturbing drawing. She also tried to talk to Emily about her home life, suspecting that she might be suffering from abuse or neglect.”I asked her if everything was okay at home, if she had any problems with her parents or siblings, if she felt safe and loved. She just looked at me with a blank expression and said ‘Yes, everything is fine’. She didn’t seem scared or sad, just indifferent. It was very unsettling,” the teacher said.The teacher said she also asked Emily about the meaning of her drawing, and why she considered the figure to be her best friend. Emily’s answer was even more chilling.”She said that he comes to visit her every night, and that he tells her stories and secrets. She said all of this with a smile on her face,” the teacher said.The teacher said she was horrified by Emily’s words, and that she feared for her mental health and safety. She said she hoped that the school authorities would intervene and provide Emily with the help she needed.

However, according to a source close to Emily’s family, the teacher’s concerns might be misplaced. The source, who also wished to remain anonymous, said that Emily’s home life was actually very normal and happy, and that her parents were loving and supportive.”

She doesn’t believe in demons or evil spirits. She knows they are not real. She just likes to pretend sometimes. She has a great sense of humor,” the source said.