• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Riddle Contest Causing Construction Delays

HUNTSVILLE – Drivers in Huntsville are facing long delays and frustration as a troll has taken over a bridge on Memorial Parkway and is demanding that anyone who wants to cross must answer his questions.

The troll, who has not given his name, appeared on the bridge early this morning and has been stopping cars, trucks and buses ever since. He claims that he owns the bridge and that he has the right to ask anyone who crosses it three questions of his choice.

If the drivers fail to answer correctly, the troll refuses to let them pass and tells them to turn around and find another way. If they argue or try to force their way through, the troll threatens to eat them or throw them off the bridge.

Many drivers have been unable to answer the troll’s questions and have had to turn back, causing a massive traffic jam on both sides of the bridge. Some have tried to call the police or the city authorities, but they have been unable to reach anyone who can help.

The troll has also caused problems for the road construction workers who were working on the bridge as part of a project to widen it and improve its safety. The workers had to abandon their equipment and tools on the bridge when the troll showed up and started asking them questions.

One of the workers, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “We were just doing our job when this troll came out of nowhere and started yelling at us. He said he was the owner of the bridge and that we had no permission to work on it. He asked us some ridiculous questions like what is the square root of pi and who wrote War and Peace. We had no idea what he was talking about, so he told us to get off his bridge or he would eat us.”

The worker added: “We tried to reason with him, but he wouldn’t listen. Answer questions for me or a feast you will be is all he said.”

The troll has shown no signs of leaving the bridge anytime soon and has ignored all attempts to communicate with him by megaphone, radio or phone. He has also ignored several offers of food, water or money in exchange for letting people cross.

Some drivers have expressed their anger and frustration at the situation, while others have tried to make the best of it by playing games, listening to music or chatting with other drivers.

One driver, who identified himself as Bob, said: “This is ridiculous. I’ve been stuck here for over an hour and I have an important meeting to attend. This troll is ruining my day and wasting my time. Someone should do something about him.”

The city officials have not yet issued any statement or plan on how to deal with the troll situation. It is unclear how long the troll will remain on the bridge or what his intentions are.

Until then, drivers are advised to avoid the bridge if possible or be prepared to answer some tricky questions if they want to cross it.