• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Psychic Mediums Unveil New Service: Chat With Your Future Self Online


Jul 27, 2023

A group of psychic mediums have unveiled a new online service that allows people to chat with their future selves through a web-based platform. The service, called FutureChat, claims to use advanced technology and psychic prediction to connect users with the version of themselves that will exist in a specified time period.

According to the official website, FutureChat is “the world’s first and only online platform that lets you communicate with your future self in real time”. Users can sign up for a free account and choose from a list of available mediums, who will then initiate a chat session with the user’s future self. The mediums claim to use their psychic abilities and special equipment to access the user’s future timeline and relay the messages from the future self through text or voice.

The service has received mixed reviews from customers, who have shared their experiences on social media. Some users praised FutureChat for providing them with insight, motivation, and inspiration from their future selves. Others expressed confusion, frustration, or fear, accusing the service of being inaccurate, inconsistent, or disturbing.

One user, who wished to remain anonymous, said he was surprised and disappointed when he tried to chat with his future self in 10 years. He said the medium claimed to have contacted his future self, but the messages he received were vague, contradictory, and depressing. He said he felt like he was talking to a “badly trained chatbot” rather than his future self.

“I asked him how my life was going in 10 years, and he replied ‘It’s complicated’. I asked him if I was happy, and he said ‘Sometimes’. I asked him if I had achieved my goals, and he said ‘Some of them’. It was very unhelpful. It was like someone was trying to avoid giving me straight answers,” the user said.

The user said he contacted FutureChat’s customer service to complain and request a refund, but he was met with indifference and hostility. He said the customer service representative told him that FutureChat was not responsible for the content or quality of the messages from the future selves, and that he should be grateful for the opportunity to chat with his future self at all.

“They basically told me to take it or leave it. They said they had no control over what the future selves say or how they say it. They said it was up to me to interpret the messages and find meaning in them. They said some future selves are more cooperative than others, and some are more secretive or pessimistic than others. They said I should try to have an open mind and not expect too much,” the user said.

“It’s a scam. It’s a rip-off. It’s a disgrace. They’re not psychic mediums. They’re con artists. They’re exploiting people’s curiosity and anxiety for money. They’re making fun of people’s hopes and dreams. They’re not connecting people with their future selves. They’re connecting them with chatbots,” the user said.

The user said he felt cheated, insulted, and violated by FutureChat. He said he would never use the service again, and he warned others to stay away from it.

By Jables