• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Possessed woman demands to speak to Bishop during exorcism


Jul 10, 2023

A woman who was allegedly possessed by a demon started acting like a Karen when a low level priest was brought in to perform an exorcism on her. The demon refused to cooperate with the ritual and instead demanded to speak to Bishop Eusebius, claiming that he was the only one who could handle her case.

The incident happened last week at a local church in Springfield, where the woman, identified as Mary Smith, was brought in by her family after they noticed some strange behavior from her. According to witnesses, she was speaking in tongues, levitating, and vomiting green slime.

The priest who was assigned to perform the exorcism, Father John, said that he tried his best to cast out the evil spirit from Mary, but was not receptive to his prayers. Instead, she started mocking him and asking for his credentials.

“She kept saying things like ‘Who are you? You’re not even a real priest. You’re just a wannabe. You don’t have the authority to exorcise me. I want to speak to Bishop Eusebius. He’s the only one who can deal with me.’ She was very rude and disrespectful,” Father John said.

Father John said that he tried to explain to Mary that he was following the protocol of the church and that he had the permission of Bishop Eusebius to perform the exorcism. He also said that he had experience in dealing with similar cases and that he knew what he was doing, though he admitted his confidence took a hit.

However, Mary was not convinced and continued to demand to see Bishop Eusebius. She also threatened to sue Father John and the church for malpractice and emotional distress.

“She said that she was not going to let some low level priest mess with her soul. She said that she wanted a refund for the donation she made to the church and that she would report them to the Better Business Bureau. She was acting like a total Karen,” Father John said.

Father John said that he eventually gave up and called Bishop Eusebius for backup. He said that he hoped that Bishop Eusebius would be able to calm Mary down and complete the exorcism.

Bishop Eusebius said that he was on his way to the church and that he would try his best to help Mary. He also said that he was not surprised by her behavior and that it was a common tactic of demons to try to intimidate and manipulate their hosts.

“They often use their host’s personality and memories to create a false sense of identity and entitlement. They try to make themselves seem more important and powerful than they really are. They try to resist the exorcism by any means necessary. They are very cunning and deceptive,” Bishop Eusebius said.

Bishop Eusebius said that he hoped that Mary would realize that she was being controlled by a demon and that she would cooperate with the exorcism. He also said that he prayed for her salvation and recovery.

“I hope that she will see the light and accept God’s grace. I hope that she will repent of her sins and renounce the devil. I hope that she will be free from this evil influence and return to her normal self. I hope that she will stop being a Karen,” Bishop Eusebius said.