• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

OCR Athlete Gets Spartan Trifecta Tattoo After Walking Around Every Obstacle

Shannon Raymond, a 35-year-old accountant from Boston, proudly showed off his new Spartan Trifecta tattoo on his calf after completing a trifecta weekend in Vermont. The tattoo, which features three symbols representing the Sprint, Super and Beast races, is meant to signify his achievement of conquering all three distances in one year.

However, Raymond’s accomplishment is not as impressive as it seems. According to eyewitnesses, he refused to do any burpees and walked around every obstacle in the course, including the rope climb, the monkey bars and the spear throw. He also took frequent breaks to sip water, eat snacks and check his phone.

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Raymond said. “I paid for the race, I walked the full distance, I got the medal. That’s all that matters, right? It’s not like anyone was keeping score or anything.”

Raymond said he decided to get the tattoo after seeing other racers with it on social media. He said he wanted to show off his “hard work” and “dedication” to his friends and family.

“I think it looks cool,” he said. “It’s a conversation starter. People ask me about it and I tell them I did a Spartan Trifecta. They’re usually impressed.”

Raymond said he doesn’t feel bad about skipping the obstacles or the burpees, because he believes they are optional and not part of the core experience.

“The obstacles are just there for fun,” he said. “They’re not really important. The real challenge is walking the distance. That’s what tests your endurance and mental toughness.”

Raymond said he plans to do another trifecta next year, and maybe even get another tattoo on his other calf.

“I’m hooked,” he said. “It’s a great way to stay fit and have fun. And the tattoos are awesome. They make me feel like a Spartan warrior.”