• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Man Pays Ultimate Price For Ogling Jogger


Jul 5, 2023

Occulton – A man was killed yesterday after he fell into a fiery red portal that opened up during an earthquake in Occultun, a small town in California known for its paranormal activity. Witnesses say the man was distracted by a female jogger and did not notice the ground cracking beneath him.

The jogger, who wished to remain anonymous, said she was running along Main Street when she felt the tremors and saw the man staring at her from across the road. “He was just ogling me like I was a piece of meat. He didn’t even look scared or anything. He just kept following me with his eyes as I ran past him,” she said.

She said she heard a loud scream and turned around to see the man falling into a hole that had suddenly appeared in the pavement. “It was like something out of a horror movie. There was fire and smoke and this weird red glow. I swear I saw horns and claws and teeth in there. It was terrifying,” she said.She said she ran away as fast as she could and called 911. The police arrived shortly after and cordoned off the area. They confirmed that the man was dead and that there was no sign of his body.

The police chief, Sarah Powers, said she had never seen anything like it before. “We’ve had our share of strange things happen in this town, but this is a new level of weird. We don’t know what caused the portal or where it leads to, but we’re not taking any chances. We’re calling in some experts to investigate,” she said.

One of the bystanders, who identified himself as Bob, said he was pretty sure the portal was actually just a portal to a hell dimension. “I’ve lived in Occultun all my life and I know a thing or two about the occult. That portal was definitely a gateway to hell. That man got what he deserved for being a pervert. He probably sold his soul to the devil or something,” he said.

Bob said he hoped the incident would serve as a warning to others who might be tempted to rubberneck joggers or anyone else. “You never know when the earth might open up and swallow you whole. You should always keep your eyes on the road and your mind on God. That’s what I do,” he said.