• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

King Tut returns to life, demands his artifacts back from Metropolitan Museum of Art


Jul 7, 2023 #Art, #Curse, #mummy

In a shocking turn of events, a mummy that was on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City has come back to life and is demanding his belongings back from the museum. The mummy, who identifies himself as King Tutankhamun, says he was awakened by a curse that was triggered when someone touched his sarcophagus.

“I was peacefully resting in my tomb for thousands of years, until some greedy archaeologists disturbed me and stole my treasures,” the mummy said in a press conference. “They put me in a glass box and made me a spectacle for the public. I want my dignity and my possessions back.”

The mummy claims he has legal rights to his artifacts, which include gold jewelry, statues, chariots, and weapons. He says he has hired a lawyer to sue the museum for compensation and damages. He also says he wants to return to Egypt and be buried in his original tomb.

The museum, however, is not willing to give up the mummy or his artifacts. The museum director, Dr. James Smith, says the mummy is a priceless piece of history and culture that belongs to the world.

“The mummy is not a person, he is an object of scientific and artistic value,” Dr. Smith said. “He has no legal standing or claim to his artifacts. They are the property of the museum and the people who donated them. We will not surrender them to a disgruntled corpse.”

The mummy has threatened to unleash more curses and plagues if his demands are not met. He says he has the power to summon locusts, frogs, darkness, and death. He also says he has allies among other mummies and ancient spirits who will join his cause.

“I am not afraid of your laws or your weapons,” the mummy said. “I am the king of Egypt, the son of the sun god. You will bow to me or face my wrath.”

The situation has caused panic and confusion among the public, who are divided on whether to support the mummy or the museum. Some people say the mummy deserves respect and justice, while others say he is a menace and a threat.

“I think it’s amazing that he came back to life,” said Mary Jones, a tourist who visited the museum. “He is a living legend and a historical figure. He should get his stuff back.”

“I think it’s terrifying that he came back to life,” said John Smith, another tourist who visited the museum. “He is a monster and a danger. He should be locked up or destroyed.”

The authorities have not yet decided how to deal with the situation. They are trying to negotiate with the mummy and find a peaceful solution. They are also preparing for any possible attacks or disasters that may occur.

“We are working on finding a way to resolve this conflict without violence or harm,” said Mayor Eric Smith. “We respect the mummy’s heritage and culture, but we also value our own. We hope to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties.”

The mummy says he is willing to talk, but he will not compromise on his demands.

“I am open to dialogue, but I will not accept anything less than what is rightfully mine,” the mummy said. “I have waited long enough for justice. I will not wait any longer.”

By Jables