• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Elves of Iceland protest against rent hikes


Jul 9, 2023

The elves of Iceland, also known as the Huldufólk or the hidden people, have taken to the streets to demand fair housing policies from the government. The elves claim that they are facing a housing crisis due to the rising rents in their invisible realms, which are often located under rocks, hills, or waterfalls.

The elves say that they have been living peacefully in harmony with nature and humans for centuries, but in recent years they have been squeezed out of their homes by greedy landlords who want to cash in on the tourism boom. The landlords, who are also elves, have been raising the rents by as much as 300% in some areas, forcing many elves to move out or live in overcrowded conditions.

The elves have formed a union called the Hidden People’s Association (HPA) and have organized several protests across the country. They have also appealed to the human government for help, but so far they have received no response.

“We are not asking for much, just a fair and affordable place to live,” said Elvira, an elf spokesperson. “We respect the humans and their laws, but we also have our own culture and traditions that we want to preserve. We don’t want to be driven out of our ancestral lands by greed and exploitation.”

The elves have also warned that if their demands are not met, they may resort to more drastic measures, such as sabotaging construction projects, causing power outages, or cursing unlucky travelers. They say that they have powerful magic and allies in the natural world that they can use to defend themselves.

“We hope that it doesn’t come to that, but we are prepared to fight for our rights,” said Elvira. “We are not invisible, we are not silent, we are not going anywhere. We are the elves of Iceland and we deserve respect.”

By Jables