• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

The Shocking Truth About the Cowboys From Hell Who Visited New York City


Jul 16, 2023

New York City – A group of cowboys from hell, who were summoned by a local necromancer as part of a dark ritual, decided to take a tour of the Big Apple and enjoy its sights and sounds. Contrary to their fearsome appearance and reputation, the cowboys were very polite and courteous to the locals, speaking with a southern hellish drawl but always saying “please” and “thank you”.

“They were actually very nice,” said Mary Jones, a waitress at a diner where the cowboys stopped for breakfast. “They ordered pancakes, eggs, bacon, and coffee, and they tipped me very well. They even complimented me on my hair.”

The cowboys also visited some of the city’s landmarks, such as the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and Central Park. They took selfies with their phones, which they somehow managed to get from hell, and posted them on social media with hashtags like #cowboysfromhell #nyc #yeehaw.

“They seemed to be having a lot of fun,” said John Smith, a tourist guide who offered them a free ride on his bus. “They asked me a lot of questions about the history and culture of New York, and they were very interested in everything. They also sang along to some country songs on the radio.”

However, the cowboys were not just sightseeing. They also showed their heroic side by helping out some people in need. They broke up a fight at a bar, where they also performed some karaoke songs. They caught a purse snatcher in the act and summoned hellspawn to drag him to hell. They even rescued a cat from a tree, using their lassos and horses.

“They were like superheroes,” said Lisa Brown, a resident who witnessed their deeds. “They saved the day and made everyone happy. They also had a lot of charisma and charm. I think some of them even got some phone numbers from some ladies.”

The cowboys’ visit ended when the necromancer who summoned them decided to send them back to hell, after realizing that they were not the evil minions he had hoped for. The cowboys said goodbye to their new friends and thanked them for their hospitality. They also invited them to visit hell someday, saying that it was not as bad as it seemed.

“They were the best guests we ever had,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio, who wants to invite them back to grant a key to the city as a token of appreciation. “They showed us that cowboys from hell are not so different from us after all. They have hearts of gold and souls of fire. We will miss them dearly.”