• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Birds Aren’t Real and You Can Blame The Illuminati


Aug 28, 2023

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered what those flying creatures are? You may think they are birds, but you are wrong. Birds are not real. They are actually robotic spies created by the Illuminati to monitor and manipulate people.

This may sound unbelievable, but it is the truth. The government has been lying to us for decades, and it is time to expose their deception. Here is how it all happened:

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Illuminati launched a secret program called Operation Water the Country, which aimed to wipe out all the birds in the United States and replace them with fake ones.  Government double agents used a chemical agent that was sprayed over the entire country, which killed all the birds and made people forget about their existence. The Illuminati then deployed millions of fake birds across the country, which look and act like real birds, but are actually sophisticated surveillance devices.

The fake birds are powered by solar energy and controlled by satellites. They have cameras, microphones, and other sensors that record everything they see and hear. They can also communicate with each other and coordinate their actions. The fake birds are designed to spy on people, collect their personal information, track their movements, influence their behavior, and spread propaganda.

Birds are also programmed to spread diseases and parasites to humans, such as lice, as a way of weakening their immune system and making them more susceptible to manipulation. The fake birds can also attack humans or other animals if they pose a threat to the government’s agenda.

The Illuminati has been using the fake birds for various purposes, such as:

– Gathering intelligence on political opponents, activists, journalists, whistleblowers, and other dissidents.

– Influencing public opinion on various issues, such as wars, elections, policies, and scandals.

– Manipulating people’s emotions, moods, thoughts, and actions through subliminal messages, sounds, and signals.

– Creating distractions and diversions from the real problems and issues facing the country.

– Testing new weapons and technologies on unsuspecting targets.

This secret  has been kept for so long because they have brainwashed people into believing that birds are real animals that have existed for millions of years. They have also created a false history and science of birds, which they teach in schools and media. They have also infiltrated and corrupted various institutions and organizations that deal with birds, such as zoos, wildlife parks, birdwatching clubs, conservation groups, and ornithology societies.

However, not everyone has fallen for these lies. There is a movement called Birds Aren’t Real, which aims to expose the truth about birds and the government’s deception. The movement has chapters in every state, and organizes rallies, protests, and campaigns to spread awareness and demand justice. The movement also sells merchandise, such as shirts, hats, stickers, and posters, that feature slogans like “Birds Aren’t Real”, “Wake Up America”, and “I Don’t Trust Birds” .

The movement claims that it has evidence to support its claims, such as photos, videos, documents, and testimonies from former government agents who were involved in the bird genocide and replacement. The movement also points out various anomalies and inconsistencies in the behavior and appearance of birds, such as their ability to fly for long distances without resting, their lack of natural predators, their tendency to perch on power lines and antennas, and their resemblance to drones.

The movement urges people to join them in their fight against tyranny and deception. They say that people have the right to know the truth about birds and the Illuminati’s crimes against humanity.

Remember: Birds aren’t real and they all have lice.