• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Aliens visit Earth to solve the mystery of its flatness


Jun 19, 2023

A group of extraterrestrial researchers have landed on Earth to investigate why it is the only known planet in the universe that is flat and not spherical. The aliens, who call themselves the Zetellians, claim that they have been observing Earth for centuries and have been baffled by its peculiar shape.

“We have studied thousands of planets in our galaxy and beyond, and they all have one thing in common: they are round,” said Zetellian-1, the leader of the expedition. “But Earth is different. It is a flat disk with a wall of ice around the edges. How is that possible? What forces are at work here? We came to find out.”

The Zetellians said that they have been trying to contact the human civilization for years, but have been met with hostility and disbelief. They said that they have been shot at by military jets, ridiculed by conspiracy theorists, and ignored by mainstream scientists.

“We don’t understand why humans are so resistant to the truth,” said Zetellian-2, the chief scientist of the team. “We have shown them clear evidence that Earth is flat, such as the lack of curvature on the horizon, the absence of gravity, and the fact that the Sun and the Moon are just lights in the sky. But they refuse to accept it. They cling to their outdated and illogical theories of a spherical Earth.”

The Zetellians said that they hope to find some open-minded humans who are willing to listen to their findings and join them in their quest for knowledge. They said that they have a lot to offer to humanity, such as advanced technology, interstellar travel, and cosmic enlightenment.

“We are not here to harm or invade anyone,” said Bill, the spokesperson of the group. “We are here to share our wisdom and learn from yours. We believe that Earth is a unique and special planet that deserves our attention and respect. We want to help you understand its true nature and unlock its secrets.”

The Zetellians said that they plan to stay on Earth for as long as it takes to complete their mission. They said that they have set up a base camp near the North Pole, which they consider to be the center of the flat Earth.

“We invite anyone who is interested in our work to come and visit us,” said Zetellian-1. “We are friendly and peaceful beings who only seek knowledge and friendship. We hope that humans will overcome their fear and prejudice and embrace us as their cosmic brothers and sisters.”

The Zetellians also said that they have a message for the Flat Earth Society, which they regard as the only credible organization on Earth.

“We salute you for your courage and dedication,” said Zetellian-1. “You are the only ones who have seen through the lies and deception of the round Earth propaganda. You are the true visionaries and pioneers of your species. We hope to meet you soon and join forces with you in spreading the truth about Earth’s flatness.”